Alexander Nessel

Articles by Alexander Nessel

Alexander's background is in e-commerce and business development. He brings that experience to Portent, working with clients to create customized marketing strategies.

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Portent Marketing Recipe

Why You Should Market Like You (Want to) Cook

Great marketing should be mouthwatering, scrumptious, and satisfying. Don’t you want customers pining for your next email, devouring every bit of information, and anxiously awaiting more? We don’t always think about marketing in terms of a delicious meal, but restaurants and marketers ultimately have the same goals. Give customers a taste of something yummy, satisfy [...]

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Holiday Shopping!

Holiday Internet Marketing: Bring Joy to Your Q4

Once again we’re in make-or-break Q4—the time of year businesses worldwide prep (and hope) for a flood of holiday business. The time of year that can determine the difference between a going concern and concern whether you can keep going. Be it crafting a quality, attention-grabbing email campaign or optimizing a mobile marketing strategy, this [...]

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