Aviva Jorstad

Aviva Jorstad

Articles by Aviva Jorstad


Aviva Jorstad //  7 Mar, 2013

6 Reasons “No” Will Save Your Marketing Strategy

We live in a culture of YES. Positive reinforcement abounds. Grade school kids get awards simply for participating. Everyone is special. Encouragement is great, don’t get me wrong. Accolades are a big part of what motivates us in life. In the business world, however, this can translate into dangerous decision making. Fear of killing creativity,… Read More

Google Analytics optimization time

Aviva Jorstad //  20 Nov, 2012

3 Hidden Optimization Tips in Google Analytics

It’s no accident that Google Analytics is the most widely used analytics platform on the web. According to W3Techs, and cited by TechCrunch, GA has an overwhelming market share among web analytics platforms at 81.9%, and is used by more than 55% of the top 10,000 sites. Beloved for its intuitive format and multi-dimensional reporting abilities,… Read More

Aviva Jorstad //  24 Mar, 2011

Herding Cats and Other Animalian Project Management Analogies

Managing an internet marketing project can often feel like standing in the middle of a zoo when the monkeys finally make a break for it. Overdramatic? Perhaps, but the point remains – it’s hectic. At Portent, we have a team-based approach, which means multiple parties and timelines are in play, simultaneously. If not watched with… Read More