Ian Lurie

Articles by Ian Lurie

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >

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Kenneth Cole’s real mistake: Tactics without a strategy

Kenneth Cole’s real mistake: Tactics without a strategy

Unless you live under a rock, or have a life outside the internet, you’ve heard about Kenneth Cole’s now-infamous Tweet-fuffle: Tasteless? Yes. And ill-advised. Tactically it looks brilliant: Surf on a trending hashtag (#Cairo). By tweeting and including that hashtag in his post, Kenneth Cole ensured his tweet would be seen by the millions of [...]

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10 reasons you’re not an ‘advanced’ SEO

10 reasons you’re not an ‘advanced’ SEO

I’m warning everyone: I’m blogging angry. I waited 24 hours. I’m still angry. So here it is. I am @#$)(* sick and tired of people telling me they’re “advanced” SEO’s, sitting on “advanced” SEO panels and speaking at “advanced” SEO conferences after three years of screwing up people’s web sites with a nofollow tag. Here [...]

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Everything I ever learned about marketing I learned from Dungeons and Dragons

Everything I ever learned about marketing I learned from Dungeons and Dragons

I gave a talk today at Emerging Media Conference about marketing and Dungeons & Dragons. I’m hoping to have it as a video pretty soon, but for now, I took a big chunk of it and turned it into a blog post. This is basically a transcript, so it may not make total sense at [...]

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6 copywriting tips – Latest Search Engine Land column

My latest Search Engine Land column just went live. I listed out 6 ideas for stuff to write when you’ve got no idea what to write: 6 content tips: How to write when you have nothing to write about

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Marketing principle #1: Everyone needs a Gluten

My wife has me trying to eat gluten-free for a few weeks. That means no bread, cookies, pizza, pasta. It’s like I’ve been told, “Ian, from now on, food will suck”. But I’m doing it. Voluntarily. If Dawn had simply told me, “Eat less starch, eat more veggies, and reduce caloric intake,” I’d totally fail. [...]

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4 exit strategies for marketing agency owners

4 exit strategies for marketing agency owners

I’m not a big ‘exit strategy’ kind of guy. I prefer to build a cool business that’s going to last, and keep at it. Hence my 16-year stint (thus far) at Portent. But there’s always someone asking me what my strategy is for getting out. So, here you go—created by the Portent-ites—4 exit strategies for [...]

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Sorry, but your charts are ugly

Sorry, but your charts are ugly

I once got fired for improving sales 300%. I showed a client a report. It was awesome and I was dang proud of the results. The report read like this: Sales from organic search last year were $50,000. Sales from organic search this year were $150,000. Sales from PPC last year were $60,000, against a [...]

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Lessons in Twitter community building, by Kevin Hillstrom

Kevin Hillstrom is my analytical idol. So, when I bought a copy of his e-book, Twitter Hashtag Analysis a few weeks back, I was mostly looking for hashtag analysis techniques. But I got a huge bonus: This great e-book is a blueprint for Twitter community building. Hillstrom based his e-book on analysis of activity in [...]

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The best marketing ‘trick’? Cultural memory.

Everyone wants marketing ‘tricks’. The best marketing trick? Write an e-book. Write a title that guarantees cool marketing tricks inside. Sell the e-book for $2000. If you sell 2 copies, you make $4000. That’s a cool trick. OK, seriously now… There are no marketing ‘tricks’. The best marketing, internet or otherwise, springs out of some [...]

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8 rules for CEOs

At least once every day I consider replacing myself with a ‘real’ CEO. Then I could just be the nerd in the cave, writing and programming and SERPing and such. But Portent’s my baby, so it’s hard to let go. Here are the big 5 rules I’ve increasingly tried to work and live by. I [...]

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