Ian Lurie

Articles by Ian Lurie

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >

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Facebook/Bing deal means the death of SEO

Facebook/Bing deal means the death of SEO

Actually, it doesn’t, but I figured I’d say it before someone else gets all the links. Go back to work. Don’t you have anything better to do?

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Sleazy SEO sales tactics (and how to avoid them)

Sleazy SEO sales tactics (and how to avoid them)

With a few notable exceptions, SEO sales tactics tend to range from merely nauseating to vomit-inducing. I’ve kept a log (seriously) over the last three months, and here are my favorites: The rankings guarantee The ploy: Promise your SEO fu will get your client top-10 or #1 rankings for their keywords. The problem: Why do [...]

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The best way to control a social media crisis is to own it. And really any pictures of me constitute a crisis, so I’m owning this one: I hate – hate getting pictures taken. That’s why I use a little cartoon instead. But I was starting to get some flack from certain people (you know [...]

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The Social Moron’s guide to conferences

The Social Moron’s guide to conferences

Tip ‘o the hat to Lisa Barone, who’s written a few great how-to guides for conferences, too. I am a social moron. It’s true. When I’m speaking up on stage I have a blast. Throw me into a pre-conference mixer, though, and I guarantee multiple cringe-worthy moments, like: Happily waving at someone while calling them [...]

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SEO Obviousness: Duplicate content sucks

SEO Obviousness: Duplicate content sucks

Saying there’s no longer a duplicate content penalty is a semantic weasel routine that ignores one hard fact: Duplicate content will kill your rankings. I’ve written a lot about canonicalization and the content duplication toilet bowl of death. Those are causes of duplication. Read the two articles I linked to above first if you don’t [...]

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New ebook: The Fat Free Guide to Google Analytics

New ebook: The Fat Free Guide to Google Analytics

I just finished writing The Fat Free Guide to Google Analytics. You should buy it. Now would be good. It’s chock-full of analytical goodness, including info on: Calculating the value of one visitor to your web site; Setting up goals in Google Analytics; Interpreting analytics data. I worked hard to make this a super-practical, easy-to-apply [...]

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Battling copywriting rigor mortis

Battling copywriting rigor mortis

You can’t decide what to write for your next blog post. So you do a list. Then you do another list. Then you do a list of ways to write a good list. I fall into that trap, all the time. If it’s not lists, it’s sarcastic posts about marketing fads, or cute analogies, or [...]

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I talk local search for Boomertechtalk

Linda Sherman and co. just launched a new blog called Boomertechtalk. The site offers everything from backup advice to marketing tips. Linda interviewed me about local search and posted my semi-coherent ramblings on the blog: If I’m a little incoherent, I’ll note that the previous 48 hours included: Me recovering from King Kamehameha’s Revenge. 2010 [...]

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Can we do content like Apple does hardware?

A thought that’s been germinating in my head for some time: People want content that does the same thing. If you can produce online content – text, ebooks, video, whatever – that makes folks want to read it the instant they glance at it, you can get a major internet marketing win. Apple’s example Apple [...]

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The blogger’s travel checklist

The blogger’s travel checklist

I’m in Hawaii at Search & Social Woot!, and I keep losing stuff. My cell phone’s USB cable. My tickets to special events. My wedding ring (thankfully found again on the floor in my hotel room). My mind. I have no excuses, but the rash of absent-mindedness has me thinking about the stuff I always [...]

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