Jaelithe Guillette

Articles by Jaelithe Guillette

Jaelithe Guillette is Associate Director of Content at Portent, Inc, an internet marketing company. She heads up the copy, social, and public relations teams and assists in creative campaigns, content strategy and driving traffic to client sites with out-of-the-box brainstorming and sharp SEO.

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Be a Freaking Video Hero, Sans Camera

Marketing departments are endlessly busy. Each one has different internal and external expectations about what they can (and should) accomplish. I mean, everybody’s a marketing whiz who watches the Super Bowl, right? If only it were that easy. Marketing departments are regularly expected to accomplish a wide range of goals. Ingeniously. Inexpensively. Instantaneously. Consequently, when [...]

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5 Things Kitten Photos Can Teach Us About Internet Marketing

Kittens rule the Internet. From the Jedi kittens of YouTube to the caption-savvy LOLcats, kittens are delighting nations. Sure, the occasional video of a laughing baby ripping paper or Darth Vader unicycling steals the viral spotlight, but kittens (and their older box-loving cat friends) have everyone from angsty adolescents to greying grandmas chuckling in pure bliss. [...]

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4 Sales Tactics That Will Make You a Better Writer

4 Sales Tactics That Will Make You a Better Writer

Before I became a writer, I spent eight years in sales. It was a fantastic way to fit work in between classes and afforded me to upgrade my college cuisine to include more than spaghetti noodles. I thought I was just paying for textbooks, but the experience I gathered while selling pianos and cell phones [...]

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