Josh Patrice

Josh Patrice

With his background in UX design, PPC and SEO, Josh is king of the search-nerds. He educates both our clients and SEO experts how to optimize websites so that search engines want to shout their urls from a mountaintop. When Josh isn't teaching everyone else how to be awesome, he is the epitome of a modern renaissance man, playing music, cooking, and finding the perfect quip for any situation.

Articles by Josh Patrice


Josh Patrice //  17 Sep, 2014

Announcing Our SERP Preview Tool

Has this ever happened to you? You’re working on your website, updating title tags and meta descriptions, when all of a sudden you’re panicked at the thought of a truncated title tag! Sure, you kept it under 55 characters, but you know that doesn’t always work, because Google truncates to a pixel width, not a… Read More

Slow Lane

Josh Patrice //  18 Jul, 2014

The Death of Net Neutrality, or: How to Survive the Internet Slow Lane

So it’s come to this. Our last stand against a tyrannical regime. Our last chance for our voices to be heard before the FCC screws it all up. Yes, the FCC is at it again, and this time, it could cost all us site owners a lot of money. First, a primer Up to now,… Read More

Josh Patrice //  27 Sep, 2013

SEO Tips for Small Businesses [VIDEO WEBINAR]

This webinar was originally given in October, 2012. Transcript: Shawn Besabella: Hello. Welcome to the Portent Webinar Series. My name is Shawn, and I’ll be today’s moderator for today’s webinar, which is SEO Tips for Small Businesses. Today’s webinar will be presented by Josh Patrice, an SEO Team Lead here at Portent. So without further… Read More

not provided bomb

Josh Patrice //  24 Sep, 2013

A Day in the Life or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love (not provided)

I read the news today, oh boy… Danny Sullivan announced that Google is actively moving towards 100% encrypted search results. This should come as no surprise to anyone in the industry. When Google introduced secure search back in 2011, we saw the writing on the wall. As Google increased their number of users, the number… Read More

cringe worthy seo phrases

Josh Patrice //  8 Nov, 2012

7 Cringe-Worthy SEO Phrases You Never Want to Hear in a Marketing Meeting

We’ve all been there. You’re in the marketing meeting and someone brings up SEO. I don’t know how they’re bringing it up, but they’ve done it one way or another. Maybe they used some of the phrases below. If they did, you need to know why you wish you hadn’t heard what they’ve just said.… Read More

Google Analytics visits and revenue report

Josh Patrice //  25 Oct, 2012

Google Analytics Tips for Small Businesses

You’re a small business and you’ve got a decent website—but you’re not sure how it’s doing. What you need is Google Analytics (GA), but you’re not sure what to make of all the reporting options. Don’t worry, we can help. What’s Important in Google Analytics? For a small business, the most complex reports aren’t going… Read More

Disavow Link Tool dog

Josh Patrice //  16 Oct, 2012

The Dos and Don’ts for Google’s New Disavow Links Tool

For the first time in what might be ever, Google has followed Bing’s lead and announced a tool to disavow links. We asked (or demanded), and they listened! Cleverly named the Disavow Links tool, Google Webmaster Tools’ latest feature gives power back to webmasters and takes it away from spammers. Here are our tips for… Read More

Groupon UX

Josh Patrice //  10 May, 2012

SEO & UX – Working together to make your site better

A few years ago I stepped into a role as an information architect and user experience designer at a Portland ad agency. Coming from a background in search marketing, this was quite a bit of a change for me. The first thing I noticed was that SEO & UX should really be a more integrated… Read More

Josh Patrice //  31 Jan, 2012

3 Easy Local SEO Tactics That Will Raise Your Rankings Today

Is your business locally owned and operated? Do you only target specific states, cities, or neighborhoods? If so, you’re hopefully working hard on your website and web presence. That’s great! We love local businesses at Portent, and we’d like to help you out. Here are 3 quick and easy steps that you can take to… Read More

Josh Patrice //  23 Apr, 2010

5 Strategies to Pass the Google Exam

The Google AdWords Exam is actually kinda tough. A lot of people fail it, and studying for the test takes awhile. Here’s 5 tips to make studying for the Google Exam easier.