Meegan Kauffman

Meegan Kauffman

Articles by Meegan Kauffman

Ideas Strategy

Meegan Kauffman //  16 Sep, 2014

Create Valuable Marketing Campaigns: Start with Strategy, Build with Imagination

So you have all these great ideas for your business marketing: an app that will take over the world, an e-book that will change the industry as we know it, a banner ad people will actually click on. Ideas and passion are fuel for successful campaigns, but you also need the structure that strategy provides… Read More


Meegan Kauffman //  14 Aug, 2014

Blog Strategy: Think Inside the TV

I have a confession: I love TV. When I was a dirty-kneed seven-year-old sitting on our brown carpet, I watched the A-Team and MacGyver and Quantum Leap. I loved the consistency of these shows, how I already had an idea what the premise was going into it, and I loved to be surprised by the… Read More

Bad Date

Meegan Kauffman //  16 Jan, 2014

As Good as It Gets: What dating can teach us about email marketing.

The greatest thing about email marketing is how direct the communication is. Email is the closest you can get to dating your customers. Creepy? Maybe a little. Intrusive? Not if you do it right. Why bother with email? (Reasons to take the leap) People sign up for emails because they want the inside scoop. They… Read More