Google Analytics Tutorial 6: Visitor Segmentation

Ian Lurie Mar 29 2007

I haven’t forgotten about the video tutorials, I promise.

Here’s the latest, in which I go over Google Analytics’ cool visitor segmentation feature.

Before you watch, note that my brain shut down for part of the tutorial, and I made at least four mistakes when typing in the javascript code – don’t use the example I type in during the tutorial. Instead, use this:

<script type="text/javascript">



Note the single quotes, and the correct script name. Do as I type in my blog, not as I type in my videos.

Online Videos by

Click here to play in Quicktime:

GA Tutorial 6

Past Editions:
Google Analytics Tutorial 1: Setting Up
Google Analytics Tutorial 2: Essential Stats
Google Analytics Tutorial 3: Digging Deeper
Google Analytics Tutorial 4: Goals
Google Analytics Tutorial 5: Search Analytics

tags : conversation marketing