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UK & European Cookie Law Solution (Free Script)

UK & European Cookie Law Solution (Free Script)

A European cookie law that regulates the use of web browser cookies is now in effect in the UK. That cookie law is based on guidelines set by the European Union. In a nutshell, the law states that websites must get a user’s consent before storing cookies on their device (computer, mobile phone, iPad, etc). [...]

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Easy CSS Columns: to Float or not to Float?

Easy CSS Columns: to Float or not to Float?

This method is based upon Float-less Layout. But I have made it simpler to fit my needs. I also don’t like how they make their entire site a list, while it seems to make sense, I find that putting a whole bunch of stuff inside a list becomes annoying fast, just like using tables. Since [...]

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A Firefox Quirk You May Not Be Aware Of

A Firefox Quirk You May Not Be Aware Of

When I was making some updates to the Portent Blog, I came across a strange problem. Whenever I highlighted the text with my cursor, I would get no visual feedback showing me what I had highlighted. I’ve actually run across this on a couple of other sites, which is why I thought I should share [...]

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Actionscript 3 Particles Tutorial

Actionscript 3 Particles Tutorial

In order to view the content on this page, you will need the latest version of Adobe’s Flash Player. Click here to download it.   Today I’m going to show you how to do something a little more fun than usual. We’re going to be making a simple particle system in Flash CS3. Example Files [...]

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Advanced Actionscript 3 Preloader

Advanced Actionscript 3 Preloader

Watch me do my best Bob Ross impression while teaching you how to create a preloader in Actionscript 3. No happy trees included. Download the example files here. Video after the jump!

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Embedding Flash the Smart Way with SWFObject

Embedding Flash the Smart Way with SWFObject

There are several ways to embed Flash on a web page – some are better than others. Here’s the one we’ve found to work best: First, you’ll need to go to the SWFObject home page to download the javascript. You can also read up on SWFObject here. The example html included inside the zip file [...]

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The Struggle for Validation

The Struggle for Validation

Earlier this morning, Ian sent me an email saying that the Portent Website code was great. Near perfect, even! But one thing was weighing on his mind. We weren’t passing the W3 Markup Validation. That giant red “THIS SITE ISN’T XHTML TRANSITIONAL!” message was searing into his poor SMX-addled eyeballs and I was the closest [...]

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Class up your link icons with CSS background images

Class up your link icons with CSS background images

I loathe the term “web 2.0″. I think catch phrases are easy and unimaginative, and calling the recent boom of easy to use and engaging websites “web 2.0″ seems to cheapen them. It sounds too trendy. It sounds like there will be a “web 3.0″ and that “web 2.0″ will become obsolete once we get [...]

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