Analytics plus SEO equals content: My Wappow presentation

Ian Lurie Apr 19 2011

Everyone’s bleating about content marketing.

Content marketing this.

Content marketing that.

For some of us, though, content’s been around since we, well, since we learned to read.

Here’s the process I’ve put together over the last ten years. I presented this at Wappow Search & Social last week.

Shockingly, it involves content. And marketing. With some analytics and SEO thrown in.

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tags : conversation marketing


  1. Simon


    Wow – years following IM and this is hands down the simplest and most specific “step by step guide” if you will, to smart content creation. Too good Ian, your systems rock, thankyou.

  2. Machiel


    A very usefull article for an SEO noob like me.

  3. Jackson G

    Jackson G

    Ian.. This was what i was looking for, a long time..pretty cool stuff that Works and repays for the time involved.
    Hats Off.. I know this information is Awsome :)

  4. Why is your version of analytics different from mine and how can I get something like that? It looks a lot more useful.

  5. Chris


    Great stuff Ian!
    I really like how organized all the information is… I might have to borrow that spreadsheet idea..
    +1 subscriber =]

  6. Ian


    @John Google is rolling out a new version. Look for a ‘new version’ link up at the top of your page after you log in.

  7. Holy crap, Ian. I just spent four hours mapping out a content plan for the summer. This was awesome!
    Thank you for sharing this.

  8. This presentation cuts through all the current hoopla of “content marketing” since the Google update and actually gives you something actionable. I am very impressed and excited. I have downloaded the PDF and can’t wait to get started mapping out how I will get my site to the top by focusing on what my readers really want. I think I just found a new favorite website!

  9. Ian


    @Paul Thanks – I hope it helps you rank. And pass the word, will ya? :)

  10. In this post, you have given example of measuring competition through searching keyword with
    how about this way? “Keyword”
    which is better one? coz when when we search with “” results appear more than AllinTitle.
    Plz explain.

  11. Ian


    @Sachin “Keyword” will find pages that mention Keyword anywhere. allintitle:keyword will only find pages that have the keyword in the title tag. That’s the difference.

  12. @Ian Thanks Sir, for reply.
    Now I got the point, Keywords placed in Title create real competition.

  13. Nabil


    Ian and Sachin: the “allintitle:keyword” query in Google not only finds pages with keywords in their title tag — it finds pages with keywords in their title exactly as you’ve written.
    Not good for measuring competition IMO though. Never forget: it’s the top 10 you’re battling against when optimizing. Not the rest.

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