I’m asking you: What information would you pay for?

Ian Lurie Dec 28 2007

Ever the capitalist, I’m looking for ways to earn a bit more money online these days.
I’m considering:

  • Creating a series of MP3s talking about internet marketing strategy.
  • Writing an ebook, Conversation Marketing 2, and selling that.
  • Selling answers, literally: Folks come to Conversation Marketing, ask a question, I answer it. If you like the answer, you pay for it.

But then I realized, I should just ask. What would you pay for? What would you consider a waste? Answer with a comment, below.
I appreciate your feedback.

tags : conversation marketing


  1. Chris Furniss

    Chris Furniss

    How about an exclusive podcast giving me all of your best-kept SEO secrets?

  2. Bob


    I’m not one to purchase information (except books), but if I were to “join” or purchase something online, it would be something like the SEOBook or similar to Rand’s article about the last or “secret” 10% for conversation marketing – http://tinyurl.com/2mzldh
    If this were my job, or if I start heading into marketing, I would buy:
    1. An exclusive enewsletter (Jim Logan did this).
    2. A constantly updated eBook.
    3. An exclusive community for $100/year membership.
    4. A community that shares the last 10% of information.
    I’m thinking “community” and I’m thinking “exclusive.” Credit to Seth Godin – http://tinyurl.com/2sn2cq

  3. Rex White

    Rex White

    Personally, I think eBooks and podcasting is a little old (maybe it’s just me.)
    I actually think that selling answers is a different idea… sort of a PPQ (pay-per-question) sort of deal. Keep it simple – 1 question and 1 question only for a small fee. Might at least be worth a try.
    I might be inclined to use it. I never thought I’d buy songs on iTunes, but I do. Might work out for Ian’s PPQ, too!

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