10 Internet Marketing Experts to Follow on Twitter


For us in the internet marketing community, Twitter is the best way to get the latest insights from all the top minds in our field. The world of SEO is always changing, and if you’re working off old information you could be doing more harm than good to your website. In order to stay ahead of the curve, make sure to follow these 10 awesome internet marketing Twitter accounts:

Brian Clark – @Copyblogger

Due to its complexity, the technical side of internet marketing tends to dominate online discussion. But none of that will mean anything if you can’t write compelling web copy. Bryan Clark is the head of Copyblogger, one of the best sources for marketers to hone their writing skills.

Matt Cutts – @mattcutts

Matt Cutts is the head of the webspam team at a little site called Google. In other words, while the rest of the world guesses at what the best SEO practices are, he’s one of the few to actually know all the answers. Follow him if you want to stay up on all the latest tweaks Google is making to their ranking algorithms.

Bryan Eisenberg – @theGrok

Bryan Eisenberg is a great authority on market optimization. When he’s not writing columns or best-selling books on the subject, he’s tweeting out great content on everything from design to analytics.

Rand Fishkin – @randfish

Rand is the CEO of SEOMoz, and one of the big fish in the internet marketing world. His company’s blog is an excellent source for all things in the world of internet marketing, and following his Twitter account is like tapping into an IV of liquefied internet marketing awesomeness.

Avinash Kaushik – @avinash

Avinash is a digital marketing evangelist for Google, and one of the true gurus of marketing analytics. If you want to learn how to use metrics to inform smart decisions about your website, Avinash is a must-follow.

Ian Lurie – @Portentint

What, you didn’t think we’d include the CEO of my own company on here? Along with having a beautiful signature on paychecks, Ian has great Twitter game. His posts are an excellent source for plain-English guides on internet marketing, with a little bit of his trademark snarkiness sprinkled in. Hey, if you want to be an internet marketer, you’ve got to be ready for some snark.

Geno Prussakov – @eprussakov

Many internet marketers overlook affiliate marketing techniques, but it can be an essential element of your online marketing plan. Geno Prussakov is one of the world’s best authorities on the subject, so tap into his Twitter feed and feast on some of his knowledge.

Danny Sullivan – @dannysullivan

If you’re an internet marketer, SearchEngineLand is an absolute must read blog. Danny Sullivan is the site’s editor, and how do I put this, he’s kind of a big deal. Follow his Twitter account if you want to sound like you know what you’re talking about.

Adam Sherk – @adamsherk

Adam is an SEO/PR strategist who does a great job tweeting out content from a wide variety of sources, on anything from social media tactics to digital marketing news. Definitely a great follow for marketers and brands alike.

Dan Zarrella – @danzarrella

With each passing day, social media is becoming a more integral part of internet marketing. What’s even more amazing is how long we’ve been saying that. Following Dan Zarrella will help you step up your social media expertise.

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  1. Hi Welles
    Nice list. Couple of guys I haven’t come across in my travels, but follow most of them reasonably closely.
    The biggest issue that I have with twitter I have to say is twitter spam (‘twam’). Don’t tend to spend a lot of time on twitter as a result. Tend to use more alerts to keep up to date with industry news.

  2. It would be interesting to see how each expert’s twitter follower count changes after this post. Or track via GA how exactly how many follows this page generated and create a leaderboard? 🙂

  3. Hi Welles
    What a great list thanks for sharing I will be heading over to check them out to add to my Twitter list!
    Hope you have a great weekend

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