Marketers Must Brag More

Ian Lurie Apr 17 2007

humbleBelieve it or not, I’m a fairly low-key guy. I don’t like to brag about what I do, at all.

A client made a very, very good point last week by saying I need to brag more, because clients rarely realize all of the good stuff we’re doing for them.

What do you think? If marketers need to brag more, what should we brag about?

tags : conversation marketing


  1. I agree with you client and I’ve taken your word from some of your articles you’ve written. Bragging modestly is a key to success!
    Until I read this on your site very rarely boosted about the progress I’ve done, since I’ve started potential clients have been contacting me for all kinds of work.

  2. Ramin


    Yes, you should in your “low-key” way tell your clients all that you are doing for them. Sometimes even the little changes/additions/modifications will help your clients know you are moving their business forward. This is especially true of SEO since so much of it is behind the scenes.

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