Parallax Scrolling? HTML5 Animations? Why We’re Falling for New Design Techniques
Portent Staff Jul 25 2013
Change is in the air around Portent. Change that’s directly tied to how we see the future of Internet marketing. And it’s exciting. And it involves cool design innovations like parallax scrolling and HTML5 animations.
As we shift our focus more and more towards what we call 10% content—deeper, larger projects that take bigger risks but can garner larger rewards—we’ve shifted some departments too. The Content team here has officially moved over and joined Design to form one Creative Services super group, a la Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. The result? We’ve got some really big and exciting projects coming up for our clients that will blow your socks off.
To celebrate—and maybe show off a little—Design hotshot Jess Walker and I have teamed up on this interactive infographic that details the reasons we at Portent love learning new design techniques. Click through for The Cutting Edge: Ten Reasons Why We Fall for New Design Technologies (and You Should, Too!)
Thanks Rebecca, evolution of technologies makes us all smart, but sometimes it pushes us to be genuinely intelligent. We should all together fall to innovations.
I couldn’t agree more. Value is a moving target these days, but thinking big can help us do the best for our clients. Thanks!
Nice and attractive Infographic.
Thanks, Alan! Jess did a great job.
Hey Rebecca its really nice information. keep going want to hear more from you.
Love it. Nicely done. Having been in an agency I love to see this type of stuff being done for clients. Being in house now and in the middle of a project just like this it validates what we’re doing when the leaders are doing the same!
I couldn’t agree more. Value is a moving target these days, but thinking big can help us do the best for our clients. Thanks!