SEO Stats: Local Search Grows

Ian Lurie Jun 14 2006

Ignore search marketing, and internet marketing, and your audience may walk away from you.

Here’s a few interesting stats from Understanding Searcher Behavior:
Over half of search engine users now substitute internet search for the phone book.

Understanding Search Behavior

43% of search engine users now use search engines to find local services.

Local search is a growing force. So saying ‘I only do business in my own town’ probably isn’t a good argument for ignoring the internet any more.

Put it another way: A full page yellow pages ad is in front of a shrinking potential audience 365 days a year, and costs at least $10,000 (plus design).

A well-crafted web site and local search campaign is in front of a growing potential audience 365 days a year, and you can set it all up for $10,000 working with an agency.

tags : conversation marketing