Comments on: The Viral Video Manifesto: How to Make Content Shareable Internet marketing company: Portent, Seattle, WA Wed, 03 Jul 2013 19:10:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Isla McKetta Isla McKetta Thu, 31 Jan 2013 17:15:22 +0000 Tricky for sure, but perhaps your call to action can include your most important keyword. You could also look at the challenge as a great exercise in concision, which is something I've learned a lot about from fiction writers. Grace Paley can pack more meaning and keywords into a sentence than anyone on earth, and she never seems spammy. Don't forget to use a link shortener, it's a basic tip, but every character counts. Tricky for sure, but perhaps your call to action can include your most important keyword. You could also look at the challenge as a great exercise in concision, which is something I’ve learned a lot about from fiction writers. Grace Paley can pack more meaning and keywords into a sentence than anyone on earth, and she never seems spammy. Don’t forget to use a link shortener, it’s a basic tip, but every character counts.

By: cyberma2013 cyberma2013 Thu, 31 Jan 2013 04:39:51 +0000 Great tips for online marketing. Thanks for sharing it! Great tips for online marketing. Thanks for sharing it!

By: Alexander Alexander Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:26:05 +0000 Hi Isla, You write that only the first 150 characters are shown in search engines, and that I know. But when we're talking about a youtube video, is this simply the first 150 characters from the description you've written as you upload your youtube video to youtube? If so, I find it difficult to choose between adding a call-to-action with a link in the beginning (so people don't have to click "show more" in order to see my link or call-to-action") and writing a rich description for the search engine. If I add the link, the description for SEO purposes will be worse, but If I write for the search engine I will get less call-to-actions. Tricky, indeed.... Hi Isla,

You write that only the first 150 characters are shown in search engines, and that I know.

But when we’re talking about a youtube video, is this simply the first 150 characters from the description you’ve written as you upload your youtube video to youtube?

If so, I find it difficult to choose between adding a call-to-action with a link in the beginning (so people don’t have to click “show more” in order to see my link or call-to-action”) and writing a rich description for the search engine.

If I add the link, the description for SEO purposes will be worse, but If I write for the search engine I will get less call-to-actions.

Tricky, indeed….

By: Isla McKetta Isla McKetta Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:20:47 +0000 Thanks, Larry! There's loads more great information in the book. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks, Larry! There’s loads more great information in the book. Hope you enjoy it.

By: Larry T. Larry T. Tue, 29 Jan 2013 18:11:54 +0000 Great information here Isla, this is what we need to promote and generate viral content in the online world. Thanks for sharing and I'll be sure to utilize these tips! Great information here Isla, this is what we need to promote and generate viral content in the online world. Thanks for sharing and I’ll be sure to utilize these tips!
