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Portent Webinar 1: Resources

We’re starting the first Portent webinar in 50 minutes! In the mean time, here are links to resources I’ll be discussing: A link bundle with all of the goodies I mention: The slides, on Slideshare: If you want to view the recording later on, you’ll need to register. Link coming shortly.

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A View From New York City’s SOPA/PIPA Protest

A View From New York City’s SOPA/PIPA Protest

January 18th was a big day in the fight against Internet censorship legislation. As you may have noticed, major websites like Wikipedia and Reddit took their content offline to protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). These two pieces of legislation would make dramatic changes to the Internet, [...]

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Why Portent and why me?

Ever notice that companies mirror their leaders in personality, expectations and culture?  I had met Ian Lurie on several occasions over the last couple years and immediately learned to respect his unmatched knowledge, integrity and vision.  His company and, more importantly, the people at Portent mirror Ian.  So, when the opportunity came to collaborate with [...]

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Exciting news for Portent: Steve Gahler joins the team

Exciting news for Portent: Steve Gahler joins the team

Portent’s had a fantastic run so far: 16 years in business, great clients and fascinating work, day in and day out. But there comes a point when one multi-tasking nerd (me) can’t further grow the company. So I’m thrilled that Steve Gahler has signed on as President and Partner at Portent, Inc. Steve’s going to [...]

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New Portent people, punished with painful puns

New Portent people, punished with painful puns

…and some alliteration. Two new faces at Portent. I’m really excited to have them on board, both because they’re scary-smart and will be great for the company, and because their hiring means we’ve reached another milestone of sorts. I’ve decided to welcome them to the company with some horrifically bad puns: Lindsay Thomas Lindsay’s not [...]

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A big month at Portent

A big month at Portent

I’m not much good at bragging about my company, but it’s only June 8th, and it’s been a big month for us. So, the highlights: New clients Full Circle hired Portent as their internet marketing agency as they expand beyond their Northwest base. We’ll be helping with overall strategy and tactics spanning the entire inbound [...]

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Writers: Portent needs YOU

If you’re a writer looking for freelance gigs, Portent needs YOU. We’re looking for great writers to do high-quality blog posts, articles and series on topics ranging from cloud computing and security to bikinis. Here’s the thing: Portent’s internal team is fantastic. They produce training, promotional and news content for our clients and have hit [...]

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Applying to Portent

As I get deeper and deeper into the roles of director and get more involved with the personnel decisions and training, it occurs to me how very little people actually utilize the resources available to them when scoping out a company like Portent. And how those little things are actually applicable to any job or [...]

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Portent Floods Finally…From the Inside

Portent Floods Finally…From the Inside

Well, here we were waiting all winter long for the Green River to crest its’ banks, meet the black wall of sandbags that block the trail from nothing but people (since water goes around things afterall) and our patience was finally rewarded. OK, it’s not THAT bad, but it is rather inconvenient as we are [...]

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Huzzah! Workshop Series in Seattle

Huzzah! Workshop Series in Seattle

Wappow Search and Social Workshops are holding great beginner, intermediate and advanced courses this month! I know they’re great because both Ian and myself will be leading sessions! (Hey, you’ve got to brag modestly somewhere, right?) Learn how to build your business and manage your brand online. 1 day of intense learning from search engine [...]

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