New Portent people, punished with painful puns

…and some alliteration.

Two new faces at Portent. I’m really excited to have them on board, both because they’re scary-smart and will be great for the company, and because their hiring means we’ve reached another milestone of sorts.

I’ve decided to welcome them to the company with some horrifically bad puns:

Lindsay Thomas

Lindsay Thomas, comedian from an early age

Lindsay’s not actually a new face, really. She’s been working with us as an intern for two months. But she’s moved up to take on sales & marketing for Portent. That’s a heck of a big deal for me—I’ve been the sales & marketing department since launching the company.

I decided she was the right person for the job when she posted this as her first autonomy day project:

I really want to write a blog post using some of the psychophysiological research (neuro) I did on memory and attention in marketing messages, although I need to review some of the more recent work from my prof to see if I have anything worth writing about.

Neuro marketing? Memory and attention in marketing messages? No way I can let a marketing nerd like that get away.

I expect great stuff from Lindsay. She knows what ‘psychophysiological’ means, for Heaven’s sake. After that, everything’s easy.

Lindsay worked at ComScore before Portent. I’ve also been told she’s a trained massage therapist, which gives her an educational background almost as random as my own.

Jenn Mathews

Jenn Mathews, in an identity crisis

A lot of you already know Jenn Mathews from her work at Wappow. I met Jenn when she invited me to speak at a Wappow event two years ago (er, three years ago?). She’s an experienced SEO and social media marketer who can teach me a thing or three about Facebook, twitter and all that.

She’ll be working with clients, helping them develop and execute campaigns and generally kick butt.

Jenn worked at and Visible Technologies before launching Wappow.

Important: Jenn will still be running Wappow! Social Day won’t go away. Portent’s been more and more involved with Wappow events in the last year, and we’ll continue our support. I’m looking forward to offering great events to Portent partners and clients.

No more puns, I promise

I’m always happy when we find more folks who fit into Portent’s slightly whacky culture. Jenn and Lindsay bring a lot to the company, and I’m looking forward to working with them.

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