Portent Floods Finally…From the Inside

Well, here we were waiting all winter long for the Green River to crest its’ banks, meet the black wall of sandbags that block the trail from nothing but people (since water goes around things afterall) and our patience was finally rewarded.
OK, it’s not THAT bad, but it is rather inconvenient as we are now all banished to working from home (normally that would be great) for the next few days. Of course this is the week that it’s summer in Seattle (we only get one per year) with highs predicted around 90F. Yes, I realize you East Coasters are roasting, but I live here tucked up away in the corner for a reason, I don’t like heat.
Our apologies if you call the office and we’re not there, we’re redirecting calls, contacting clients and giving out cell phone numbers left and right.
Check it out!
Ian’s blog Conversation Marketing has video!

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