3 Free Internet Marketing Tools I Love

Three tools I can never seem to leave alone for a whole day:


TouchGraph technology lets you see who’s in your semantic neighborhood. One quick search and I can see blogs that mention me or mention related topics:


I use it to find and engage like minds in conversation, track down good linking potential, and basically keep an eye on my neighbors (that didn’t sound right at all). Try it. It rocks. Just make sure you have some free time – I can easily spend 20 minutes moving the little discs around…

SEOMoz PageStrength

A nice, high-level view of how you’re doing in the world of search engine optimization.

SEOMoz Page Strength Tool

How exactly am I only 3.5 out of 10?!!!


As addictive as they come – Quantcast lets you see basic data (reach, for example) for any site. Add in a javascript and you can get profile data, too. Or, if your site is really busy, you may be lucky enough to get that data already:


I use Quantcast to check up on the claims that publishers make regarding their site traffic and demographics. It’s a nice gut-check when buying advertising.

Quantcast can also reveal stuff you just wouldn’t expect about who visits your site, and why. Check it out.

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Ian Lurie
/ @portentint
Portent's Founder & CEO

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >


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