Comments on: 4 ways clients are like cats Internet marketing company: Portent, Seattle, WA Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:47:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Lurie Ian Lurie Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:55:29 +0000 Rats are AWESOME. They're smart, clean, super-social and, as a scientist discovered, they laugh when tickled. I'd have a pet rat, but my wife won't let me. :( Rats are AWESOME. They’re smart, clean, super-social and, as a scientist discovered, they laugh when tickled. I’d have a pet rat, but my wife won’t let me. :(

By: Dani Zehra Dani Zehra Fri, 27 Apr 2012 05:25:36 +0000 LOL ... between the belly laugh that I had while reading the post I realized that there could not be a better metaphor for clients ! I wonder how will you justify the thought "I compare my employees to rats" LOL … between the belly laugh that I had while reading the post I realized that there could not be a better metaphor for clients ! I wonder how will you justify the thought “I compare my employees to rats”

By: Ian Lurie Ian Lurie Thu, 26 Apr 2012 18:04:01 +0000 Thanks Doc. I wish I followed that as often as I wrote it. Thanks Doc. I wish I followed that as often as I wrote it.

By: Doc Sheldon Doc Sheldon Thu, 26 Apr 2012 17:59:43 +0000 Excellent comparison, Ian! Really loved this pearl: "You and your clients will have good and bad days: A missed deadline, a late payment. A day when someone’s grumpy as hell for no clear reason. It happens. Talk it out. Be patient with each other and it’s amazing how, 24 hours later, what seemed like the end of the world was a minor bump in the road." Excellent comparison, Ian!

Really loved this pearl:

“You and your clients will have good and bad days: A missed deadline, a late payment. A day when someone’s grumpy as hell for no clear reason. It happens. Talk it out. Be patient with each other and it’s amazing how, 24 hours later, what seemed like the end of the world was a minor bump in the road.”

By: karen @ Pledging for Change karen @ Pledging for Change Sat, 07 Apr 2012 20:20:04 +0000 the more you think about it just makes so much sense doesnt it? Now cmon... get some work done and stop tickling our clients tummy's. Some clients if they are business people, are like budgies though... never stop TWEETING......... about themselves LOL :-) the more you think about it …it just makes so much sense doesnt it?

Now cmon… get some work done and stop tickling our clients tummy’s.

Some clients if they are business people, are like budgies though… never stop TWEETING……… about themselves LOL


By: Jodi Kaplan Jodi Kaplan Fri, 06 Apr 2012 13:09:49 +0000 Ha ha! Excellent post, and quite true. Also, your cats are adorable. I wrote a whole post on this, but cats are also an excellent source of business and marketing inspiration. For instance, if you want something, ask for it (meow!). Use more than one marketing tactic (if meowing doesn't work, try rubbing a leg or jumping on a keyboard), etc. Ha ha! Excellent post, and quite true. Also, your cats are adorable.

I wrote a whole post on this, but cats are also an excellent source of business and marketing inspiration. For instance, if you want something, ask for it (meow!). Use more than one marketing tactic (if meowing doesn’t work, try rubbing a leg or jumping on a keyboard), etc.

By: Phil Staunton Phil Staunton Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:55:43 +0000 Superb post and very true! I would add another difference is that you can't put clients down unlike cats. (Sometimes this is a real shame!) Another similarity is that sometimes the cat and the owner are just not compatible and there is no choice but to re-home the cat. The owner will often experience an emotional roller-coaster doing this, and it happens very rarely, but when necessary it is the only way and in the long run it is best for everyone. Superb post and very true!

I would add another difference is that you can’t put clients down unlike cats. (Sometimes this is a real shame!)

Another similarity is that sometimes the cat and the owner are just not compatible and there is no choice but to re-home the cat. The owner will often experience an emotional roller-coaster doing this, and it happens very rarely, but when necessary it is the only way and in the long run it is best for everyone.

By: LJ Jones LJ Jones Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:36:40 +0000 What about, Clients are like cats because sometimes you walk in and find them chasing theirs tails. Sure, its cute. But it doesn't get them anywhere. What about, Clients are like cats because sometimes you walk in and find them chasing theirs tails. Sure, its cute. But it doesn’t get them anywhere.

By: Geoff Livingston Geoff Livingston Thu, 05 Apr 2012 03:16:56 +0000 Great metaphor, Ian. Totally cracked me up! Great metaphor, Ian. Totally cracked me up!
