7 “Tips” I Can’t Stand Any More

Note: This post is utterly devoid of value. It’s a venting rant. You have been warned.
Here are seven tips that, if I hear them any more, may force me to stab myself in the face:

  1. ‘Write what your readers want’. Really. Never would’ve thoughta that.
  2. ‘Brand generates customer loyalty’. True since 0 BC, when my ancestors ignored a guy with much better branding. We’ve paid for it ever since. Why do folks say that and then puff up like they just revolutionized advertising?
  3. ‘Write copy that attracts links’. Nah. I’m going to specifically write copy that repels links. I tell all my clients to do that.
  4. ‘Write great content’. Wow. I didn’t get this the first 1,202,123 times someone wrote it, but now I do! I’ll stop writing boring B.S. now. Thanks!!!
  5. ‘Companies should talk to customers’. When I see how some companies talk to their customers I question this. But it really makes me twitch when a blogger says this one day and then says companies “can’t converse” the next.
  6. ‘Persuade key influencers’. I won’t even dignify that one with an answer.
  7. ‘Cultivate emotional involvement in your brand’. Walk up to me and say that in person. I dare you.

If you find yourself writing these tips in a blog post, try not writing anything instead. Everyone with a smidgen of intelligence already knows them.
There are closer to 7,000 stupid, overused, useless tips flying around in the marketing world. If you have a few, feel free to post ‘em in comments.


Ian Lurie
/ portentint
Portent's Founder & CEO

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >

4 Responses to “7 “Tips” I Can’t Stand Any More”

  1. steve - July 18, 2008 at 9:32 am #

    It’s not that they’re useless tips, its just that they have been hammered on so many times by so many different people that we’re numb to them. It’s like beating a dead horse…

  2. Erica - July 23, 2008 at 4:48 pm #

    I know I’ve heard #7 said to my face at company meetings far too many times as a revolutionary idea.

  3. Dave - July 28, 2008 at 7:12 am #

    Yip, I’ve often wondered how to get people emotionally involved in some of my clients’ products.
    I mean, how do you get someone all warm and fuzzy about water filters or heavy engineering equipment?

  4. Alain Saffel - July 31, 2008 at 12:58 pm #

    I guess there wouldn’t be any need to keep repeating these tips if everyone was actually following them.
    They’re certainly revolutionary for some people though I wouldn’t accuse them of not having a smidgen of intelligence. That’s far from constructive.