My latest project: Internet safety for kids as the ‘UnFun Parent’

Ian Lurie Jul 2 2010

I just published a new book: The UnFun Parent.

It’s all about internet safety for kids, and how we as parents can help keep our kids safe and smart without yanking every cable out of the wall and putting our kids in walking Faraday cages. You can buy it on $10 for the paperback, $5 for the e-book. I’ve launched a blog to go with it at

unfunparent graphic

Where the book came from

About six months ago, my sister-in-law and her wife said “Ian, you should write a book on kids’ internet safety, for parents.”

I don’t know why, but the idea clicked, 100%, and in four days I poured out my ideas and thoughts on how you can keep kids safe on the web.

And, since my family title has long been ‘The Unfun Parent’ I figured it’d be a perfect title for the book, too.

The Unfun Parent: Keeping your kids safe (and happy) in the internet age:

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