Portent Team Co-Publishes a New Dummies Book

Ian Lurie Mar 13 2009

A proud day at Portent: Elizabeth Marsten (our lead PPC guru) and myself worked with three other authors to publish Web Marketing for Dummies All-in-One.
I won’t belabor it, but I’m allowing myself a brief bit of pride. I wrote about 400 pages of this 800+ page book.
I’m particularly proud, though, that one of my team is also an author. I feel pretty lucky to get to work with such a talented group of people.

  • Marty Dickinson wrote Book 1: Web Presence.
  • I wrote Book 2: Search Engine Optimization
  • And Book 3: Web Analytics
  • Elizabeth wrote Book 4: Online Advertising and Pay Per Click
  • John Arnold wrote Book 5: E-mail Marketing
  • I wrote Book 6: Blogging and Podcasting
  • And Book 7: Social Media Marketing
  • Michael Becker wrote Book 8: Mobile Marketing

You can, of course, buy the book:

And see my unboxing photos.