Webinar Tonight: Blogging For Business

Ian Lurie Feb 5 2009

I’m doing another Trump University Webinar tonight: Blogging for Business
Time: 5 PM Pacific
You can register here.
This will be a pretty elementary look at blogging:

  1. Setting up your first blog.
  2. Listening in to the blogging world.
  3. Getting yourself to write.
  4. Handling comments.
  5. Blogging etiquette.


If you’re looking to get started you’ll probably like it.
The description refers to me as a “Social Media Expert”. Please don’t hold that against me.
Note: I’ve created resources page that includes all of the links I mention in the webinar, as well as a few extra goodies. Click here to see it.

tags : conversation marketing


  1. I hope the webinar went well. Interesting you point out Clear Blogging as a must read. I picked it up about two years ago and Bob Walsh actually featured the Trump Blog in the book.

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