Changing a Blog’s Location

Does it makes sense to move a blog from a subfolder to a subfolder?
I like this idea…under the right circumstances.
If things are going well, don’t bother. If your blog already has lots of links from different domains or if you receive truckloads of visitors, you have little reason to change your blog’s subfolder.
In fact, from a pure SEO perspective, changing the location may have negative SEO consequences. When you switch subfolders, old URLs must be 301 redirected to their new locations. These 301 redirects ensure that visitors will land where they are supposed to. They also cause search engines to forward PageRank–a measure of SEO authority–onto the new URLs. Unfortunately every 301 redirect will leak or dampen some authority, possibly 10% to 15%. The more links you have and the more domains you have links from the more you have to lose.
changing blog location
If your blog does not have lots of traffic or links, then switching from a /info or other subdirectory to a /blog subdirectory can make sense. A /info can mean many things, but when people see /blog they will immediately know they are about to visit a collection of stories or articles. They might learn something or be entertained or both. That’s a bright, positive signal to send and it can help attract additional visitors. And, because there is no positive SEO value in changing to /blog and you have a small inbound link profile, Google, Bing and Yahoo will not care.
It’s not one thing. You cannot simply switch to /blog. To benefit you still have to publish fresh, frequent and appealing posts. You must participate as a community member on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. You need to network with other bloggers, promote them and provide quid pro quo. To succeed you have to make a commitment and stick to it.
Changing from /info to /blog? If anything it’s a good way to plant your flag in the ground and proclaim your determination to succeed.

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