5 Tips for Generating 10,000 Links Overnight

  1. Don’t
  2. No, really, don’t.
  3. Are you listening?
  4. If you get them naturally, good for you. But otherwise, don’t!
  5. K, for the last time, don’t.


Ian Lurie
/ @portentint
Portent's Founder & CEO

Ian Lurie is founder and CEO of Portent Inc., an internet marketing agency that has provided internet marketing, including PPC, SEO, social and analytics services, since 1995. more >


5 Responses to “5 Tips for Generating 10,000 Links Overnight”

  1. Lunarpages Review - September 24, 2008 at 8:50 pm #

    Haha. This is nice!
    Despite all the advices and discussions happening around, some people still believe in the myth on the effect of getting 10,000 links overnight. This can be seen through those on-going service to help website obtaining huge amount of links overnight.
    Perhaps the effect they are hoping is to get banned from search engine?

  2. Desk Coder - September 25, 2008 at 5:08 am #

    That is funny, I needed a good laugh this morning.
    But seriously, how do we do it? :)

  3. JMorris - September 25, 2008 at 8:18 am #

    I whole-heartily agree! Far too many people try to force the growth of their backlinks too rapidly and then wonder why they are treated like spammers. Organic growth is the best growth by far.
    Well said!

  4. Martin Hegelund - June 27, 2009 at 3:37 pm #

    I just found this post doing a serious search… Man, it’s very hilarious and I actually do agree. There’s too much focus on link building. Why not spend that energy on creating some quality content? Then the links will come naturally.

  5. :( - April 15, 2010 at 7:01 am #

    I really thought you would share some super secret technique with me… :/