Announcing Our SERP Preview Tool

Portent Staff Sep 17 2014

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re working on your website, updating title tags and meta descriptions, when all of a sudden you’re panicked at the thought of a truncated title tag! Sure, you kept it under 55 characters, but you know that doesn’t always work, because Google truncates to a pixel width, not a number of characters.

We all know that risking a low CTR is out of the question, and that it’s annoying to push a page live and have to go back and change it until you get it right.

There has to be a better way!

Now there is, Portent’s SERP Preview Tool!
SERP Preview Tool
Preview your title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs to see how they display in the SERPs before you push them live! Best of all, our tool is designed to measure title tags according to pixel length, just like the search engines do. No more fussing and fighting with your imagination or guesswork. Now, you can just enter your desired title tag, and presto a preview before your eyes!

Be our guest, try it out today!

tags : google toolstestingtools