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Steve Martin’s Twitter Book Teaches Us 4 Lessons in Engagement

Steve Martin’s Twitter Book Teaches Us 4 Lessons in Engagement

Since starting as a stand-up comedian in the late 60s, Steve Martin has been an actor, playwright, author, and one hell of a banjo player. In 2010, Martin brought his famous persona to the digital frontier: social media. Steve Martin hit the social media scene in a big way; his Twitter account now boasts over [...]

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7 Celebrities on Twitter We Could Actually Learn From

7 Celebrities on Twitter We Could Actually Learn From

You might be like me. Sure, I follow a couple of my favorite comedians or musicians on Twitter, but overall, I don’t really care about the tweets of the rich and famous, or that Blue Ivy isn’t a Batman villain. However, in my never-ending quest for social media knowledge, I figured there was a thing [...]

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Why Your Twitter Profile Picture is More Important Than You Thought

Why Your Twitter Profile Picture is More Important Than You Thought

If a tweet falls in the forest, will anyone read it? You’re churning out 140 characters of brilliant headlines and observations. You’re promoting great content through links. You’re participating in relevant hash tags. And you’re not getting the response you hoped for. You might think that getting more followers will be enough to get your [...]

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Why Aren’t More People Talking About Google+ Direct Connect?

Why Aren’t More People Talking About Google+ Direct Connect?

When I brought up Google+ Direct Connect with Ian, he already knew that Google+ will build your search traffic, but when it came to authenticating a Google+ page, he didn’t really know what I was talking about. In a nutshell, Google+ Direct Connect allows users the ability to discover a Google+ page by adding the [...]

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How to Add Multiple Administrators to Google+ Pages

How to Add Multiple Administrators to Google+ Pages

In late December, Google announced the ability to delegate up to 50 named managers as administrators for a Google+ page, yet Google forgot to tell us one little secret. How the hell do you grant admin access to multiple users? If you’ve already created your Google+ page, use this simple tutorial to help others join [...]

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Utilizing Facebook Insights to Identify Potential

Utilizing Facebook Insights to Identify Potential

When you run an ad campaign in Facebook to get more fans for your business page, you’re able to analyze your performance using Facebook Insights. Recently, Facebook completely removed the old version of Insights and made their new version mandatory. If you’re not familiar with the new Insights, they feature more in-depth and granular information [...]

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What Happens When the Social Media Guy Gets Banned From Facebook

What Happens When the Social Media Guy Gets Banned From Facebook

Today, I received this lovely message from Facebook. I know what you’re thinking. What did straight-edge Doug do to anger his favorite social network? The short answer is that I posted a cartoon of two people having sex while making status updates on their phones with the caption, “Looks like this is the new definition [...]

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Visualizing the StumbleUpon Audience

Visualizing the StumbleUpon Audience

StumbleUpon has gone from hipster niche play to social media giant. In this post, I’ll analyze and visualize the StumbleUpon audience, and give some tips for marketers seeking to use this channel to drive traffic. With more than 20 million users, sending more than 1 billion referrals per month, StumbleUpon is a major player in [...]

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Want An Internet Marketing Internship? Take My Advice

Want An Internet Marketing Internship? Take My Advice

Yes, it’s true. Portent is looking for two interns: a social media intern and a PPC intern for the winter months. The position starts ASAP and both have the potential for full-time employment. If you know someone fresh out of college who might dig a fun gig where they’ll learn the ropes of internet marketing, [...]

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11 Tips for Making Facebook Your Business’ BFF

11 Tips for Making Facebook Your Business’ BFF

You know what’s startling? The endless supply of companies that EPIC FAIL in the Facebook realm.  Soooo many companies grasp that they should be on Facebook. They get that this whole “Social Media” thing can positively impact their business. The problem is that many businesses opt to have the CTO’s 12 year old create an [...]

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