YouTube videos are 50x more likely hit page 1

Ian Lurie Mar 3 2010

One innocent Tweet and everyone went nuts. Sheesh.
The YouTube Video Optimization session at SMX West today kicked butt. Out of many cool tidbits, one really stood out: Matt Ballek pointed out a Forrester study showing that an optimized YouTube video is 50x more likely to get onto page 1 of Google than an optimized HTML page.
I tweeted it. It then got retweeted. And retweeted again. And then some more. And so on.
Since it got a lot of attention, I figured I’d better provide a proper citation. Matt was referencing a Forrester report that said:
Now that’s a lot of math, but here’s what it means: on the keywords for which Google offers video results, any given video in the index stands about a 50 times better chance of appearing on the first page of results than any given text page in the index.
Matt’s presentation was dynamite. Learn more from him on his site, vidiSEO.

tags : conversation marketing


  1. Thanks for the feedback and for keeping me honest ;)

  2. Hello Ian,
    Thanks for this post. I just went over Forrester report and it took me off my feet. The fact that you can just sit back and watch the hits to your website increase by the hour with just sharing a you tube video amazes me.

  3. Daryn


    Hi Ian, I am a firm believer the better optimization on a video gives it a great chance of going viral! video marketing is a great way to generate leads if done properly.

  4. Is it fair to say sites with no rankings on a given keyword are able to get the most leverage out of using this tactic versus sites that already rank well and are in danger of being pushed down in the SERPS.
    Also, I wonder what percentage of users checking out a youtube video will actually make it to your site.

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