Portent Interactive Introduces New “Born to Internet Market” Website Design
Once upon a time, Internet marketing company Portent Interactive decided it was time to re-brand, or as our President Ian Lurie put it, “to reboot the personality of our company.” We knew we wanted something that would showcase our natural-born knack for the Internet biz while bringing clients in droves-all without using cheesy clip art or word like “dynamic.” We’d had the old site since 2005, and it was time for something new.
Born for Internet Marketing
We noticed other Internet marketing sites felt lifeless and mechanic. We wanted a lively, captivating brand that uniquely represents the nuances of a medium-sized business who is capitalizing on the past year’s meteoric growth while still struggling to maintain a friendly feel. We wanted our new site to be the perfect blend of personable and professional. Professionable, if you will.
This was the genesis of the Born to Market campaign. At its core, the idea was that it takes a unique personality to really love Internet marketing, but a predilection for this business is the kindred quality that gives Portent its edge. In other words, Internet marketing’s a weird business, and most of us couldn’t imagine doing anything else. So we covered our homepage with our baby pictures and company titles and added snappy little taglines like “ROI was my first word” and “Internet marketing is almost as good as recess.” With a slightly quirky approach, this campaign reflects the serious dedication we Portentites feel to our profession.
Figure 3: Interior Banner
By putting a friendly, chubby, gap-toothed face on the anonymous Internet business, we showcase that all that comic book reading and cereal box collecting made us the kick-ass coders and scary-smart creatives we are today. Many of our clients have commented on how refreshing it is to put faces to names, and new business has also been drawn by this canny, un-canned approach.