How Portent Will Work With You

This page provides links to sample documents, a presentation about Portent Interactive that you can download and read plus any other information that might help answer your questions. If you still have questions, email


A few things you might want to read:

Project Steps: A simple list of the steps in your SEO project.

About Portent [Acrobat format]: A brief slide presentation about Portent Interactive and a few key team members.

Engagement Letter [Acrobat format]: If you’re ready to get started, download this letter, complete and fax it back to Portent at 206.575.3745, and one of our search specialists will contact you. We’ll also immediately start scanning your site for SEO problems.

Current Price

The current price is $5,000. There are 1 Crain publications currently working with Portent.

Pricing Structure

We created a price formula that discounts your monthly cost as more Crain publications sign on with us. Basically, we apply a 5% cumulative discount. The result looks like this:

If you’re the only site, you pay $5,000/month. That’s Portent’s standard rate.
If another site signs on, your cost drops to $4750/month.
If two other sites have signed on, your cost drops to $4591/month.

And so on. The more, the merrier. If there are 21 Crain sites all working with Portent at the same time, your cost drops to under $3,000/month

This works out well for us and you. You get a discount, and we realize the economies of scale of working with multiple publications at once.