Social Media Essentials FAQ

What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel at any time – there are no contracts with the Social Media Essentials package. We bill monthly, so if you want to cancel just email us 5 business days before your billing date and/or unsubscribe through your PayPal account. There are no refunds for a mid-month cancellation.

How does billing work?
Your billing date is the same as the day you sign up. If you sign up on March 5th, then your billing date is the 5th every month thereafter.

What if I want more than 15 updates?
Sorry, the Social Media Essentials program offers a maximum of 15 updates per month. Our Complete and Consulting packages offer more options.

What should I expect from reporting?
Reports cover an entire month (January, February, March, etc). They will include the engagement rate of your updates and the referral traffic generated by social media to your website.

What if I want to talk to a social media strategist on the phone after the initial consult?
If you’d like to speak with our social media strategists about account strategy or provide training and tutorials over the phone, this will be billed at an hourly rate of $200. Issues that arise through administrative items like billing, account access or reporting issues will not be billed.

Can I make updates to social networks myself?
Yes! Our recommendations will help to guide you on making more effective updates using the social networks that make the most sense.

What do you need access to?
Administrative access to each social network you own and to your website’s Google Analytics.

Can you set up my social networks? How much does that cost?
Yes. Each set up of a social network is $99. That price does not include the creation of images. If you need additional help with creating images, a Portent designer can work with you for one-off projects.