Comments on: Are Social Fails Good Business? Internet marketing company: Portent, Seattle, WA Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:25:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara Lingafelter Sara Lingafelter Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:46:45 +0000 Yay! Thanks for the comment, Lauren, and for the shares too! I so enjoy having kindred spirits in this business!

By: Sara Lingafelter Sara Lingafelter Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:46:14 +0000 Bruce – I’ve been watching that one closely as well, in part because it’s gained traction among my non-social-professional-friends. Seems to be resonating, so far. We’ll see how it plays out…

By: Bruce Lee Bruce Lee Thu, 19 Sep 2013 23:25:06 +0000 Great post Sara. I took particular note of the Chipotle trip up on Twitter and I wonder if they aren’t unintentionally setting themselves up for a fall with their latest YouTube ad: In it, they make a touchingly beautiful statement that certainly seems (to me) to indicate they are going all-in on the locavore, small farm sourced brand position. If they can pull it off, more power to ‘em, but there are few subjects that attract more fanaticism, varied interpretation and misinformation than food and diet. The foodanistas are going to be watching Chipotle through a microscope and will eagerly pounce on anything they interpret as the least bit untrue to The Cause. That’s a tough row to hoe (sorry) for a national restaurant chain.

By: Lauren Hall-Stigerts Lauren Hall-Stigerts Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:33:40 +0000 Spot on, Sara. Everyone’s out for a quick buck, but like we’ve learned with black-hat SEO tactics and algorithm updates, you get what you pay for. There are no long-term benefits for short-term strategy.

By: Sara Lingafelter Sara Lingafelter Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:20:55 +0000 Thanks for your comment, Moe… that’s a great analogy!

By: Moe Carrick Moe Carrick Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:39:50 +0000 I love this blog, Sara, and truly could not agree more. For me, it is about honesty, authenticity, and integrity. Social media ought to reflect for a company what they believe, what they think, and how they role. At times a humorous or self-effacing angle can be endearing, such as our recent “photo naming contest” feature our firm’s principles pondering a pile of horse dung , and it can be simply potent like the hashtag example you list above. But showing up exactly as your products or services are administered, and in integrity just as you would wish yourself and your employees to BE in public, is a good match for social media presence. Provoking social media activity for no purpose other than attention is, to me, equivalent to streaking in a public place–a temporary effort to be seen, and then forgotten. Thanks for your stance!

By: Ashley Ashley Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:42:41 +0000 I’ve always heard that any news is good news. I don’t always believe that’s true unless you don’t care what kind of view the public has over your business.
