Tag Archives: web marketing


Nick Bernard //  7 May, 2013

SEO for Beginners: Improving Site Speed

We write about a lot of fancy stuff on the Portent blog, such as server log analysis, advanced keyword research, and Tom Cruise. I want to address something that doesn’t have to be fancy: site speed. We’ve written two posts on how we configured Portent’s site: one is pretty advanced and the other is blindingly… Read More


Marianne Sweeny //  4 Apr, 2013

Get Found, Make Money: Optimizing Apps for Search

  State of App Search: Needle in a Haystack Have you ever tried to meet someone at Grand Central Station or some other incredibly crowded venue? It sounds so doable and yet it is so not. There are too many people, too many distractions and too much stuff in the way. App (tablet and phone… Read More

Angry at SEO SEO

George Freitag //  5 Mar, 2013

Why Web Professionals Hate SEOs

Before I even became an SEO I learned to hate SEOs. After all, SEOs would take the beautiful, functional site the designers and developers spent their nights creating and cram it full of footer links, anchor text, H tags, nofollows, and any other piece of code they could think of until the site couldn’t breathe.… Read More

Pick up the Paper graphic Blog

R.J. LaCount //  24 Jan, 2013

Into The Fold: Why Web Design is More than One “Rule”

If you want to call yourself a web designer these days, you’d better be ready to keep up. Daily study is required or you’ll be left in the dust. I follow countless blogs, listen to podcasts during my commute, and work on random projects at home just to try out new things. When I start… Read More