Tag Archives: yahoo


Elizabeth Marsten //  10 Dec, 2008

Paying your Yahoo Search Marketing bill with Pay Pal

Back in September of 2007, Yahoo announced the ability to choose Pay Pal as a payment method for adding funds to your search marketing account. Up until now, I hadn’t had a use for the option and continued doing manual refills, automatic deposits or invoicing for clients. But then a client came along (me) that… Read More


Elizabeth Marsten //  28 Jul, 2008

Yahoo Outsources Your PPC Ads to India

Not everyone has the ability to work with Yahoo and receive the occasional free optimization help from their “experts.” If you do, carefully review the ads that come back. Several times, I sent in existing ad groups for help with ad optimization (who knows what will get a better quality index score than the search… Read More

reorg Internet Marketing

Ian Lurie //  7 Jul, 2008

Yahoo! Is! In! Trouble!

Yahoo! is in big, big trouble. I know Danny Sullivan wrote a great piece about how Yahoo! is not dead yet. But he also points out, in the same article, that it’s sort of up to Yahoo! to make sure everyone knows they’re not internet roadkill just yet. Most important (to me, anyway) is that… Read More


Elizabeth Marsten //  7 Apr, 2008

Solving the (not set) in Google Analytics

Today’s tip comes from two sources: Alex L. Cohen and PPC Hero, with their mystery solving and publicly sharing their solution on how to import data and increasing compatibility between Yahoo PPC and Google Analytics. As with any search engine that isn’t Google, you have to expect a certain amount of disparity in reporting data… Read More