Welcome to the new Portent Interactive blog.

Portent Staff Feb 8 2008

Oh! A blog! How quaint, you say. There’s most likely millions of blogs out there (I haven’t counted recently) so why would you want to read yet another blog? Especially yet another Internet Marketing blog! Here at Portent, we always strive to do something different. When most people hear “Search Engine Optimization” or “Internet Marketing” it conjures images of snake oil salesmen; black hat firms with shallow guarantees of top search engine rankings for three easy payments of $29.95 (cheap!).
We change the face of Internet Marketing on a daily basis using tried and true methods, uniquely developed by our firm. We’re honest, hard-working straight-shooters who love what we do. We genuinely care about our clients’ success and have the history to prove it.
So why would you want to add our blog to your already massive RSS list? Because you appreciate honesty and you love to learn. You’re all about improvement, whether it be for yourself, your business or your own clients. Our goal for the Portent Blog is not to spout our accolades back at you, we have a press release section for that. Our blog is to share with you some of the techniques and methods we have developed. The same techniques and methods that we use on a daily basis.
Portent is a full-service Internet Marketing firm. That means that we do it all, from design, to development to PPC and more. You’ll hear from each one of our departments, each author an expert in their fields and eager to share with you the stuff they love to do. You’ll find a variety of content, from what makes a killer landing page headline to how to slice a web site mock-up into semantic, keyword rich XHTML and CSS.
We’ve also got a brand-new website design, in case you didn’t notice. I’d like to give “mad props”, as the kids say, to Anna Abraham for her spectacular design that I had the privilege to code up.
Stay tuned for a whole boat-load of awesome.
Chris Furniss is a designer, HTML producer and social media guru at Portent Interactive since 2006. In his free time, he runs a podcast and blog of his own called The Weekly Geek.