Work with Portent

An employee once dubbed me the Mad Prophet of Information, because I help companies and individuals get their message out using the web, and because they thought I was a little crazy.

I definitely do help you get the word out about your business. And I probably am a teensy bit nuts.

If that doesn’t scare you, you can work with me a few different ways:

Hire my company

My company, Portent, Inc, is a fantastic team of Internet marketing nerds I’ve hired and trained. The whole team works on one thing: Helping you reach your audience. We work with one- and two-person shops, new companies starting up and established ones, too.

You can contact us at

Buy a playbook

I write custom-crafted Internet marketing playbooks for all kinds of companies. The whole Portent team pitches in on these six-to-twelve month online marketing roadmaps. You can read about them here.

Order a 10Things review

If you just want to try working together, the 10Things package is a perfect fit. For $1000 you get a report and a consulting call with me. Click here to order.


Portent also does onsite, custom training and/or video training for groups and companies. You can see how it works on our Internet marketing training page.

Or, pay just $7/month for on-demand training using our Fat Free Guide to Internet Marketing.