Archive by Author
To Sub-Domain or Not to Sub-Domain? That is the question.

To Sub-Domain or Not to Sub-Domain? That is the question.

Just a quick note, I hated Shakespeare in school. Once I was done with school, it became a fascinating series of life lessons and twisted, timeless comedies. In the battle of sub-folders vs. sub-domains I always fight in the name of sub-folders. Sub-folders have that magical power of creating a unique URL and inheriting the [...]

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SMX Advanced Live Blogging Post 3

Demystifying Online Attribution Speakers, In Order of Appearance: Richard Zwicky Cameron Cowan Jonathan Colman Dennis Goedegebuure First up is Richard (Applause) Looking into server logs can reveal everything about your customers. It shows where they came from, where they went, what browser they used and many other things. Now Richard talks about the ever elusive [...]

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SMX Advanced Live Blogging Post 2

Lunch was good. There was meat, pasta, bread, butter. All that good stuff. Now onto the 3rd session of the day. No Live Blogging of the second session, sorry. Dead laptop syndrome. Show Me The Links: Real Life Link Building Speakers, In Order of Appearance: Roger Montti Arnie Kuenn Chris Bennet Gil Reich Debra Mastaler [...]

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SMX Advanced Live Blogging Post 1

I’d like to start by saying that this is my first time doing this. I take notes at conferences. Incomprehensible and very short-handed notes that even I fail to decode from time to time. None the less, I will not fail you. Here we go. SEO For Google vs. Bing Starring – In Order of [...]

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Happy Birthday Evan!

Happy Birthday Evan!

I work with some of the funniest people around. And when it came time for them to show off their incredible sense of humor, they stepped up. I give to you, the best birthday card I’ve ever gotten. I think. I have a pretty bad memory of birthday cards, but this one I will never [...]

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Personalized Search Strategies & Video Games

Personalized Search Strategies & Video Games

On Sunday, Rand Fishkin posted a great heads-up piece about how personalized search, branding, and leveraging your current rankings can make for an interesting marketing strategy. His mention of the 2007 Pontiac commercial brought up a particularly interesting idea. In the commercial, the viewer is instructed to “Google” Pontiac as opposed to going to a [...]

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I Went To Pubcon 2009 And All I Got Was This Lousy Matt Cutts

A Horror Story by Evan Fishkin Recently, I’ve been asked a lot of questions about PubCon, (which is one fantastic search marketing conference!), but just one keeps repeating: “Why Evan, would you let Matt Cutts shave your ‘Curls of Righteousness’?” (witness the horror) For the hungry masses, yearning for answers to questions so long contemplated, [...]

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Google Suggest Links – A New Upgrade

Google Suggest Links – A New Upgrade

Like every morning, I began today with a sane dose of looking around my iGoogle dashboard, checking email, reading important news, and consuming my Calvin and Hobbes comic of the day. What grabbed my unexpecting eyes was the iGoogle search box. This is an important feature. It gives me quick access to all things Google. [...]

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