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Ian Lurie

Ian Lurie

Ian Lurie is CEO and founder of Portent Inc. He's recorded training for, writes regularly for the Portent Blog and has been published on AllThingsD, and TechCrunch. Ian speaks at conferences around the world, including SearchLove, MozCon, SIC and ad:Tech. Follow him on Twitter at portentint. He also just published a book about strategy for services businesses: One Trick Ponies Get Shot, available on Kindle.

Articles by Ian Lurie


Ian Lurie //  8 Apr, 2012

On Techcrunch: How the IPO Ruined Google

OK, I don’t think Google is ruined, but it sure seems like they’ve become increasingly weird since their big IPO. I wrote a piece about it, and it just went live on Techcrunch. Read it here.

romulus and isis - my cats

Ian Lurie //  3 Apr, 2012

4 ways clients are like cats

First off, I’m a cat person. I want to make that perfectly clear. It’s a high honor if I compare you to a cat. So saying a marketing agency’s clients are like cats is very favorable. In Portent’s proposals I compare my employees to rats. So really, clients are coming out way ahead. A quick… Read More

just think how much more authority we'll have now

Ian Lurie //  2 Apr, 2012

The big merger

No, Portent didn’t merge with another company. But we just finished merging my blog, Conversation Marketing, into the Portent web site. From now on, you can find all the same stuff I used to write on Conversation Marketing here, instead. Why’d I do it? Let me count the reasons: The rest of the team at… Read More

condenser mic

Ian Lurie //  28 Mar, 2012

Tomorrow’s free webinar: “Advanced” link building

Tomorrow I’ll be talking about ‘advanced’ link building. The term drives me insane, since most folks use ‘advanced’ to mean ‘I give you lots of advice, but I do not add any links.’ So, I’ll go over real-life advice for building links, including some fairly geeky stuff, like: Log file analysis Using Google Webmaster Tools… Read More

Ian Lurie //  26 Mar, 2012

Information vs. Knowledge, Part 2

It’s a lot harder to impart knowledge than to pass information. But it’s also worth it, because knowledge sticks. Why does application teach better than rote memorization? Hmmm let’s think. Oh yeah—because application creates knowledge, which quickly remaps neural pathways. Memorization sends us into an information-overload daze, which leads to sad, lonely little neurons. If… Read More


Ian Lurie //  22 Mar, 2012

Information is free. Knowledge is not.

In business, everyone keeps confusing information with knowledge. They’re different. Even the dictionary says so: Information: Facts provided or learned about something or someone. Knowledge: Information and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Information is ones and zeros. It’s raw data, or a list of facts. It’s… Read More


Ian Lurie //  14 Mar, 2012

10 ways to make me delete your comment

My post yesterday really stirred some people up. This is a big blind spot for me. I believe anything worth discussion is worth discussing in a civil manner. BUT, I had to delete a lot of comments. So I figured I’d better explain what’ll make me delete your comment (or Wall post, by the way):… Read More


Ian Lurie //  13 Mar, 2012

My problem(s) with ‘inbound marketing’

I want to emphasize that this is a friendly discussion between Rand and I—we’re colleagues and friends, plus our companies are close enough together that he could bring his much more numerous minions to Portent and wipe us out in one afternoon of horrifying nerd slap-fighting. I’ve received a few comments I deleted because they… Read More


Ian Lurie //  12 Mar, 2012

Where I’m speaking

Folks sometimes ask where I’m going to be speaking next. Here’s a quick list: In meatspace (live and in person, for non-geeks) How I’ve managed to only get speaking gigs in Seattle this year, I’ll never know. Don’t think I’m a travelphobe—I’m sure I’ll go to a few out of town gigs, too. SocialTech 2012:… Read More


Ian Lurie //  8 Mar, 2012

12 questions to ask before you build an app

Rick Santorum throws up at JFK speeches. I throw up when someone says “We want to build an i[whatever] app!” I have one question. Why? Have you really, really considered why you’re building your app? Here’s 10 questions to help you decide: Can I afford it? I’m sorry, but you can’t build a quality mobile… Read More


Ian Lurie //  7 Mar, 2012

Marketing hubris will get you killed

Marketing hubris will get you killed. Especially in search. I hate it when someone asks me “Have you worked with other companies like ours?” If I have, I consider it a vulnerability, not a strength, because I’ve got the a-word: Assumptions. Anyone starting a marketing campaign with assumptions is one step from failure. Why? Because… Read More


Ian Lurie //  6 Mar, 2012

10 ways NOT to break up with a client

Breaking up is hard to do. But, as Portent’s President says, people remember how you enter, and how you leave. So ending a business relationship on as positive a note as possible is important. Even if the company in question never hires you back, employees change jobs, and you want them to think well of… Read More


Ian Lurie //  5 Mar, 2012

Internet marketing: The lifecycle

Once again, I get to subject you all to my utter lack of artistic skills. I’ve been working on a simpler diagram of the internet marketing lifecycle for about six months. It’s finally ready, I think, for a public glance. This one boils it all down to a less-pretty but hopefully more clear concept. BE… Read More

50 in 50

Ian Lurie //  29 Feb, 2012

Recording and slides from today’s webinar

If you missed today’s webinar, “SEO: 50 tips in 50 minutes,” you can get the slides here: SEO: 50 tips in 50 minutes View more presentations from Ian Lurie

sempo logo

Ian Lurie //  27 Feb, 2012

SEMPO Board, 2012

Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the SEMPO board election. I’m on the board, and very excited! Congratulations to all my fellow board members – I’m looking forward to working with you: Lindsay Blankenship, Director, Search Marketing, Razorfish Chris Boggs, Director Search Media and Thought Leadership, Rosetta Bruce Clay, President, Bruce Clay,… Read More

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