Comments on: Facebook’s Timeline “Like Gate” Bug Solution (For Now) Internet Marketing: SEO, PPC & Social - Seattle, WA Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:10:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Fri, 29 Jun 2012 07:58:32 +0000 Is it possible to get the page->liked from the javascript SDK?

The response.authResponse from FB.login doesn’t seem to include this signed_request data. Even parsing the signed_request just includes code, algorithm but no useful data on the user or page id, admin liked.

By: R.J. LaCount Fri, 27 Apr 2012 23:05:04 +0000 Hey Hajen,

I can’t see those pages because the code relies on Facebook data to function properly, so they need to be embedded into a Facebook page in order to view.

Here’s a good tutorial on setting up a Facebook page for your frame, if you haven’t done that already: (when you get to step 6, go ahead and use my Custom Tab Generator tool instead at

If you’ve already set it up as a Facebook tab, what happens when you click the official like button at the top of the page (assuming the trouble you’re having is with the custom button in this template)? The like gate bugs have been fixed now and we haven’t been having any issues with our clients’ Pages lately so I’d need some more information to narrow your problem down.


By: hajen Fri, 27 Apr 2012 08:33:28 +0000 Hey!

I took your code, cause this Like Gate bugs are pissing me off. It’s exactly your code with my app id and app secret plus url to like. It works only when i visit the page, like it. Then it refreshes and I can see fan content. But when visiting same page again I see nonfan content and inactive like button. If I dislike and then like again it start working again.

What’s the problem?

My canvas:
My page tab:
(same with secure URLs).

I’m starting going mad ;/ It’s 2 days since I started and I can’t even develop “like gate”.

Please save me.
