Comments on: 14 social media lessons we can all learn Internet Marketing: SEO, PPC & Social - Seattle, WA Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:10:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:45:27 +0000 @Brindey I’m a TweetDeck fan myself.

By: Brindey Weber Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:12:24 +0000 I like your little todo’s. Bullets are always nice to remember.
Just out of curiosity, which do you use, tweetdeck or seesmic?

By: Robert Phillips Mon, 09 Nov 2009 12:24:33 +0000 Hey Ian, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on social media. You gave some valuable suggestions and tips to make success in online marketing through social media. I do know some of the tips which you mentioned but, I also learnt some unknown tips from you. Your post will help emerging internet marketing consultants. Thank you very much for your post.

By: Adrian Cameron Sun, 08 Nov 2009 13:48:35 +0000 I’ve done a bit of Facebook, but apart from my near acquaintances am not sure that there is a lot of interest in what I’ve got to say. Maybe, I’m just saying the wrong things.
Facebook seems to me a novice to be used by many in the same way that Twitter would be although with complete sentences. I’ve read a bit about Twitter, but not sure how to really make the medium work. I can’t follow half the conversations that are going on and the other half appear to be absolute tripe anyway. So whilst I’d like to listen before talking, I can’t seem to understand what is being said? Is that just me?
Note to self… must try harder.

By: Elizabeth Wed, 04 Nov 2009 09:51:38 +0000 Excellent list, Ian. At first glance it may seem a bit overwhelming, however, point 8 really helps. Scheduling a routine makes it much easier to stay on top of these and if you stick with your routine it will help you develop better content as well.

By: Ryan Isra Wed, 04 Nov 2009 07:10:48 +0000 @Meredith
Yeah, the newest interface of facebook home really looks ugly.
Some status gos to News feed while the others goes to live feed. They’re mixed and confusing.

By: Ian Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:14:04 +0000 @Meredith I think Facebook is going to have to take that change back. Just my guess.

By: Meredith Tue, 03 Nov 2009 06:21:24 +0000 Curious to see what you have to say re: Facebook now that they’ve changed their homepage format to hide most status updates (including those from pages). They say they’ll only show an item in newsfeed if it gets a lot of comments, which is going to be tough to get if no one sees the item. A real chicken and egg problem. Think FB will continue to be even worth investing in? Think most users are on news or live feed? Personally I use live because I want to see what ALL of my friends say, not just what FB thinks I want to read. That said, many users don’t even realize FB has done this to their feed so they’re missing items they want to see and don’t even realize it.

By: yinka olaito Tue, 03 Nov 2009 00:58:20 +0000 It is great to hammer point six. Many want instant success. Keep it up

By: Doug Lazovick Mon, 02 Nov 2009 19:12:52 +0000 I don’t think you can emphasize number 9 enough.
