Where I’m speaking

Ian Lurie Mar 12 2012

Folks sometimes ask where I’m going to be speaking next. Here’s a quick list:

In meatspace (live and in person, for non-geeks)

How I’ve managed to only get speaking gigs in Seattle this year, I’ll never know. Don’t think I’m a travelphobe—I’m sure I’ll go to a few out of town gigs, too.

SocialTech 2012: Seattle, WA
March 30th, closing session
A 7-minute talk on How You’ll Kill Your Social Media Campaign

Wappow Search & Social Series
April 4th, 1:15-3:00PM, Seattle
What is SEO, and Basic SEO

SMX Toronto
April 25th, 4:15-5:30PM, Seattle
Beyond Rankings: Actionable SEO Reports Your Boss Will Love

Social media 1/2-day intensive workshop
May 11th, 1-5 PM, Seattle
This one’s a Portent gig

MozCon 2012
July 25-27, Seattle
Topic/time: Not sure yet

Seattle Interactive Conference 2012
October 29-30, 2012, Seattle
Topic/time: Not sure yet


Portent webinar: ‘Advanced’ link building
March 29th, 9 AM-10AM Pacific Time
Guaranteed ranting by me

Internet Marketing Club: Data-driven content strategies
April 11th, 9:30-10:30 Pacific time

Stay tuned…

I’ll update this list as new events come up.

tags : conversation marketing