Comments on: Google +1: NOT the internet marketing messiah Internet Marketing: SEO, PPC & Social - Seattle, WA Fri, 11 Sep 2015 12:44:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:47:54 +0000 looks like Google run out of new algorithms of measuring site importance based on content and backlinks optimization, so they just will alow people to manipulate it directly by clicking the button :)

By: Greg DiVilbiss Sun, 05 Jun 2011 12:48:32 +0000 I am constantly fascinated by the shiny new toy syndrome, the instant fix. There are tools out there you can use, some more helpful than others, but all of the hype is crazy.
Take a minute and think about how many things can change things in an instant. I can’t think of any whether it is building traffic to your site or trying to lose weight. It is a process that requires effort and the proper utilization of tools.
Nice post!

By: Niall Harbison Sun, 05 Jun 2011 11:57:03 +0000 Google have been pretty clear in saying that this is no going to have a massive bearing if any on SEO at the start. THey would have known very well that people were going to try and game the system from day one so am sure they have every safe guard possible in place. The big problem with this is although an interesting feature I’m not 100% sure if it is going to work in the long term because I just don’t have much of an incentive to click on it at the moment. If they do something smart through Google profiles possibly but to be honest I think this is a race that the like button has pretty much sewn up.

By: William Sun, 05 Jun 2011 02:05:32 +0000 Just +1’ed this can you +1 my website? Cheers.
Just kidding can’t believe your getting that already!

By: Will Scott Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:07:21 +0000 +1

By: Miro Fri, 03 Jun 2011 20:52:32 +0000 I got the first +1 vote on this post! What do I get? WHAT DO I GET? :))))

By: Samara Hart Fri, 03 Jun 2011 15:41:43 +0000 I saw someone complaining because they got their mechanical turk job deleted for soliciting +1’s. Ha! On a side note: /yawn.

By: Dan Patterson Fri, 03 Jun 2011 09:44:08 +0000 I agree with you 100%. I don’t get all the hype about it. I’ll add it because it’s all that Google has right now and hey, if it makes me stand out why not?
But is this some kind of mega-amazing-game-changer? Uh, no it isn’t. Until they’re able to really tie it in with Facebook and Twitter it isn’t really all that useful. I don’t know of anyone that really uses their Google Account as a social platform.
I wonder if people are confusing “+1” with meaning the more votes you get the more you’ll move “up 1.” It’s just making personalized search more confusing for those that just don’t get it.

By: Ian Fri, 03 Jun 2011 08:34:56 +0000 @David Good thinking. I DO think that +1 has one advantage over Buzz – Google is pushing it out to their other platforms (Android, Places, etc.) faster. That could give it enough oomph to survive. But a Facebook beater? I don’t think so.

By: Sarah Russell Fri, 03 Jun 2011 08:33:07 +0000 Ughhh – sick of reading about the Google +1 button as the next big thing…
#1 – Google’s not *that* dumb, and they’re not going to base their rankings on something that can be that easily manipulated.
#2 – Remember when Google used to be a leader? The +1 button is just another attempt for Google to get in on something that Facebook beat them too.
At best, it’s going to be something we read about for a few months before it gets canned like all their other failed attempts…
