Tag Archives: Account Management

Mobile Social Icons Account Management

Andrea Sames //  3 Sep, 2014

Mobilize Your Brand, It Pays Off

A brand is a pulse of a company and customers interact with it every day across print, media, online and social platforms. The ever growing mobile industry is changing the way customers interact with and purchase their favorite brand’s products. In this post I will provide three important suggestions to build your online brand. Let’s… Read More

K3nblog Project Management

Ken Loeu //  12 Aug, 2014

If Portent Were a Band: It’s All About the Hair

Here at Portent, we work together to do our best to wow the crowd with our many talented individuals and skills. Have you ever listened to a song that’s just one long guitar solo? I have, and while it’s an impressive show of expertise and skill, more often than not there’s a lot left to… Read More

Haunted house in London, Sepia Tone - Brown Internet Marketing

Kimberly Williams //  31 Oct, 2013

The Horror Movie Guide to Building Relationships

Building relationships and strengthening interpersonal dynamics is essential to Internet marketing – but it’s also at the core of every industry, job, and facet of our personal lives. This makes building relationships important, and sometimes our lives depend on it… (Insert scary movie score here.) While horror movie aficionados recognize that there are certain rules… Read More

The Many Hats of an Account Strategist Internet Marketing

Ariana Burgess //  2 May, 2012

Hat Trick: How Account Strategists Do It All

For someone with only one head, I wear a lot of hats.  Most people have jobs they can explain in a sentence (“I’m a doctor / librarian / deep sea diver.”)  But I’m not one of those people: I’m an Account Strategist for Portent. As such, I find myself in all manner of situations, solving… Read More

Internet Marketing

Aviva Jorstad //  24 Mar, 2011

Herding Cats and Other Animalian Project Management Analogies

Managing an internet marketing project can often feel like standing in the middle of a zoo when the monkeys finally make a break for it. Overdramatic? Perhaps, but the point remains – it’s hectic. At Portent, we have a team-based approach, which means multiple parties and timelines are in play, simultaneously. If not watched with… Read More