Tag Archives: creative

creative-process2 Design & Development

Jess Walker //  19 Aug, 2014

Creative Process: Where Does All the Time Go?

In college, when we asked our teachers how to assign a price to our art, they would tell us to charge whatever it was worth to us. This answer was thoroughly infuriating because we wanted a ‘correct’ number. What’s the equation? Is each square inch of canvas (or wood, or paper) worth a certain amount?… Read More

The Bay Lights Art Installation by Leo Villareal Design & Development

Blake Scott //  20 Feb, 2014

What Does a Degree in Architecture Have to Do with Web Design & Development?

Information Space has a conceptual mirror... Physical Space Having recently worked my butt off to earn a Master of Architecture, I often come across those who are curious about my decision to channel my design education into the wonderful world of the interwebs. Basically, I'm regularly asked what capital-A Architecture actually is– as in, physical… Read More

Open your Mind written on a classic "Open" restaurant sign Copywriting

Katie L Fetting //  22 Jul, 2013

7.5 Tips for Becoming a Brainstorming Genius

The World Wide Web has robbed the world of mystery.  Its epic reach into the far corners of the collective conscious has placed long odds against unleashing amazing new information – and with every blog post and product description, these odds get longer.  As a result, it is imperative to creatively impart information to differentiate… Read More


Portent Staff //  18 Jul, 2008

Why You Need Creative Services

The economy is rocky. Resources are tight. It's the perfect time to run out and hire a creative services firm to do your Internet marketing, right? Right! While resources must be considered carefully in a rocky economy, I am here to explain why investing in professional creative development is one of the soundest business decisions… Read More