Tag Archives: directories

Brick and Mortar for SEO SEO

George Freitag //  27 Sep, 2012

The Brick and Mortar of Local SEO

As we’ve discussed during the earlier parts of our Local Series, directories and social networks are vital to getting your business found online. Directories feed search engines the data that justifies your business’ inclusion in the local results. Social networks get the word out to your customers and let you connect with them online. But,… Read More

Gyro Sandwich Meat SEO

Nick Bernard //  20 Sep, 2012

Local SEO Directories and Gyro Sandwiches

For the second installment of the Portent Local Series, I’ll go over why and how directories affect local search visibility and where business owners should focus their time and energy. Local search is like a gyro sandwich: it’s delicious when it works, but the process and criteria for the result can be mysterious. What exactly is… Read More