Tag Archives: PageRank

Picture of a Police Line Do Not Cross SEO

Marianne Sweeny //  24 Oct, 2013

Link Juice est Mort

One of my favorite comedy bits is Lewis Black educating us on the difference between milk and water. Black tells us that there is no such thing as soy milk because soy beans do not have breasts (from which milk comes). Soy milk is a made-up name to sell a product. “Link juice” – a… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  11 Jun, 2009

Nofollow frenzy: Google Makes Major Policy Reversal on PageRank Sculpting

On June 2, 2009 Google reversed itself when it announced that the nofollow attribute (rel=”nofollow”) can no longer be used to redirect PageRank. Google’s Matt Cutts stated that nofollow tags would now evaporate PageRank. This is a major policy change by Google’s, one that impact advanced search engine optimization. I want to discuss What is… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  27 Jul, 2008

Google Updates Visible Toolbar PageRank

Google just updated their Toolbar PageRank, also known as the little green bar. Once again I am seeing a lot of web sites losing PageRank, so I want to re-share what I have counseled people in the past. If your rankings and traffic have not recently fallen, do not worry about your diminished PageRank. Visible… Read More