Tag Archives: Project Management

K3nblog Project Management

Ken Loeu //  12 Aug, 2014

If Portent Were a Band: It’s All About the Hair

Here at Portent, we work together to do our best to wow the crowd with our many talented individuals and skills. Have you ever listened to a song that’s just one long guitar solo? I have, and while it’s an impressive show of expertise and skill, more often than not there’s a lot left to… Read More

Mom walking to work with briefcase and milk bottle Internet Marketing

Ariana Burgess //  11 Sep, 2013

5 Project Management Tips from Portent’s Newest Mom

Being a new mom is pretty awesome. Sure, there’s lack of sleep, lots of crying (you and the baby), and lots of diapers. But there are also awesome smiles, giggles, cuddles, and hugs.  It’s challenging enough to accommodate this new person, but working full-time adds an extra layer. Over the years, however, I’ve developed some… Read More

Internet Marketing

Aviva Jorstad //  24 Mar, 2011

Herding Cats and Other Animalian Project Management Analogies

Managing an internet marketing project can often feel like standing in the middle of a zoo when the monkeys finally make a break for it. Overdramatic? Perhaps, but the point remains – it’s hectic. At Portent, we have a team-based approach, which means multiple parties and timelines are in play, simultaneously. If not watched with… Read More