Tag Archives: SEO

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Ian Lurie //  21 Jul, 2008

You Can’t Separate Social Media and SEO

Social media and SEO are now inextricably linked. You couldn’t separate ’em if you tried. I used to tell clients “Hey, we’ll do SEO, and if you pay us extra we’ll execute a nice social media marketing campaign, too”. Truth is, though, you can’t do a good job in SEO any more without social media… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  14 Jul, 2008

Paid Search & Organic Search Require Different Content Strategies

When you read that paid search and organic search require separate content strategies you might think, “Duh! That’s obvious.” Except that something happened to me last week, and this was not the first time. A Portent’s client earned a top ten ranking for an important keyword, one right near the top of the keyword chart.… Read More


Ian Lurie //  1 Jul, 2008

Google Indexing Flash – Don’t Party Just Yet

Search Engine Land reports that Google will now index Flash. Woo hoo! Party! We can now design every web site on the internet in 100% Flash! Not so fast. While Google’s announcement sounds exciting, there are still significant search engine optimization and more general internet marketing issues that they haven’t addressed: Link Value Yes, Google… Read More


Ian Lurie //  13 Jun, 2008

How To: Create a Great 404 Page Not Found Error Page

I hate seeing these: It’s a waste. You put all that work into creating a great site. Someone makes a mistake like mis-typing a page name, or they click a bad link on someone else’s site, and you drive them away with the internet equivalent of a wagging finger. By the way, this is a… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  9 Jun, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Before Development & Design

Question: When should a company bring a search engine optimization (SEO) consultant into designing a new web site? Answer: Immediately! I just read an article where the author states that the time to hire a search engine optimization consultant is right after the design is finished, before the content is written. Wow! There’s a disaster… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  27 May, 2008

Basic SEO Copywriting in a Nut Shell

This week Portent Interactive is excited to welcome our newest member of the team, copywriter Amanda Halm. Hi Amanda! Jade asked me to write some SEO copywriting pointers that I just finished. Since these sound so proprietary-like, I just had to sneak them past Ian to share with you. So enjoy and *shhhh* Don't tell… Read More


Tom Schmitz //  20 May, 2008

Competitive Rubber Chicken Research for Search Engine Optimization

Know Your Search Engine Optimization Competition When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, your competitors may not be whom you think. One of the first things I ask for from new SEO clients is a list of competitors. This usually arrives from their marketing office and includes other companies that provide the same product or… Read More

Internet Marketing

Tom Schmitz //  24 Apr, 2008

Three Audiences Every Website Should Cultivate

Lists and grouping are terrific ways to simplify or remember complex stuff. So today I am sharing how I categorize audience development for Internet websites. Before I start, however, I want to emphasize a point. Management guru Peter Drucker declared, “The purpose of business is to create a customer.” Success in business depends on creating… Read More

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